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Generous Donation from Brock Homes Staff at Brock Homes helped us raise $5000 to help feed children in Ontario



Fund Raising Dinner We raised $1500 at our first fund raiser.


To have no money is never a reason not to help. A feeding hand is more; much more than any money can buy. A feeding hand, reach out to others in Love, Peace and with a Smile. For its a Help in form of anything we can do, for any other person, known or unknown. It can come from just a loving hand in a supermarket or the street crossing the road. It can be cutting the grass or doing the shopping, or just a small repair too. Just talk to the elder person living near you, a smile and a; 'hello how are you to-day' Let the person know you. Let the person decide the help needed. Say; No if you can't. If it is a help they really do need to have, try and see if anyone else can help instead. Every little thing will help, thoughts and a will to do the best for ourselves & everyone.

Share a meal, or a glass of water, a smile and any new idea. Don't wait; for a reason that could never come, don't look for any approval for that is not; what it is all about. All that matters is; that we have regard for each other, given as love and it gives love. So caring for another is a gift for life. It is a gift of the will, to do the right thing, for all. Offer; to do a babysitting, or offer a helping hand; to the full time carer living near by. We have changed so much, we hardly know our nabour anymore and we do not care. People can lay dying in their own homes or on the street without anyone there to help. Sharing and caring for any life, as a part of one self or as the total stranger, is what it is all about. Then wars and fights is obsolete then only the best for all, will be a norm.

startving kid

why? do we have to, 'die for a meal'
To the ones who gives money. Time is now; running lives. If, we still wants to help & to give there are a thousand ways; it can be done. We all know that we can buy us these things, to free our ego our souls and and our spirit too. That is; what we all have done throughout time. We can/will do it too 'for then we can get anything, out of any gesture of help'. This will change as we realize that it doesn't work; for only if its given through our heart; will it return to us as a gain. As we get back many fold what it was; we gave. Anything we can give with an open heart will change the lives of us, and the people we help. Money, will buy us so many things, yet they will all just last for a little while; to us. People, in this world is only poor, because they are kept so poor by; the rich on earth.

Dinner Hands

'Thank you' for the meal
We can buy wonderful meals for the hungry soul or we can buy a lifeline for any child. We can choose where and how we'll help or donate through our own efforts to others. Its so easy to donate what we leave behind, its easy to pay; any repair that's needed. We can send many souls help to self help, by giving donations; that help can fulfill the needs; to overcome, tragedy; with flooding, tornado, earthquake, drought or hungers. We can give up our own holiday to help in areas of disasters, using all our knowledge. Or by using our own skills to better this world and the future of; all living on our earth.